For about 400,000 people in the world, Low German (Plautdietsch) is the language of the heart. For many of these, it is their only language. Located mostly in the Latin American countries of Mexico, Bolivia and Paraguay, Low German-speakers often feel isolated and forgotten. Square One World Media provides radio, video, and print material that connects with the heart to introduce some to Jesus Christ and encourage others in their long-held faith.
About Square One World Media
About Square One World Media
About Square One World Media

Tronen un Trua
Square One äare Bedeeljunk:
Produzierunks Dotum: 2020
Enne 2016, fonk Irene Marsch (Rutjäwarin von dem Radio Prograum De Schwesta Stund met Irene) aun Bieekja to schriewen un to molen äwa väl veschiedne Teemasch soo aus dän Menschen Kjarpa, de Trua, un Jewaulteewunk em Heim. Jieda Buak haft een Audio doabie, von Irene selfst jeläst. De Buaksieden sent sooenjerecht daut dee met de Audio Nummasch tooppaussen un too jlikja Tiet to brucken sent.